author Heike Davina

Heike Davina


  • The article contains the most effective folk remedies and recipes for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men.
    29 November 2021
  • How is prostatitis treated in men? The article describes the treatment of the disease with medication, physiotherapy and massage.
    11 November 2021
  • The most effective groups of drugs for treating prostatitis in men are antibiotics, analgesics and anticonvulsants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and homeopathic drugs.
    7 November 2020
  • Correction of the diet and nutrition rules for prostatitis in men: healthy and unhealthy foods, an approximate daily menu.
    4 October 2020
  • Symptoms and treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies at home. Prevention of the development of the disease.
    16 September 2020