Male potency: a means to improve

Modern sexologists are encouraging that impotence is only a temporary condition with which it is possible and must be fought. It is the violation of the normal functioning of the Penis. Problems can occur due to inadequate muscle tone of the male Organ, which is an obstacle for the normal development of the sexual intercourse, either it is with the ejaculation (release of semen) too early interrupts the sexual intimacy.

Erectile dysfunction is always a basis, that is, it goes beyond the external and internal factors that can affect it. In 60% of cases, a deterioration of the potency a health Problem, whether the disturbance in the hormonal system, digestive or circulatory System.

Scientists claim that chronic diseases up to 15% impact on the reduction of testosterone every year. This is one of the many factors affecting the male Libido. The deterioration of the potency and of psychological nature: Stress at work, emotional trauma, Depression, prolonged.

To solve this problem, there are many Tools and methods developed, the modern technologies of medicine. There are a variety of drugs with positive reviews from doctors and patients. Today, the potency pills are in the pharmacies in each city over the Internet where it is possible to compare the prices for the various preparations. Active ingredients of these agents depend on the restoration of blood flow, fulfilling sex organ with blood and violence.

Ways to improve the potency

The male half of the world's population is interested in at least once, Yes, the issues of increase or restore the potency. Even up to the date as the beginning of manifest sexual dysfunction. Because men understand know that the quality of the Sex depends on the duration of the erection.

The Folk Medicine

Folk remedies are available for each category of the population. But every folk medicine requires a significant investment of time and effort. Also it is necessary to take into account the individual peculiarities of the organism, and without evaluation of the specialists is difficult to determine.

the increase of a potentiality

Among the Folk-wizard, you can choose plants popular tincture of Ginseng, St. John's wort, chinensis, rosa x-rays, nettles, clover and many other healing. Remember that in the case of medicinal plants there are many contraindications and side effects.

Products for potency

On the sexual power of men is positive, the following nutritional effect:

  • - Dairy products: Mare's milk, Kefir, cottage cheese, cream, etc.;
  • - Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Cashew Nuts;
  • - Spices: Pepper, Cloves, Ginger, Cinnamon;
  • - Herbs: Cilantro, Spinach, Onion, Celery, And Asparagus;
  • Fruit: Pomegranates, Figs, And Currants;
  • - Vegetables: Pumpkin, Peppers;
  • - animal protein: oysters, beef, eggs, lean fish;
  • - polyunsaturated fatty acids: olive oil, fish oil.

Physical Training and physiotherapy

Men, faced only rarely with useful physical activities, most commonly suffering from erectile dysfunction. In the case of a slow-burning, fat accumulates. As a result, the production of female sex hormones increases, which is the work of male testosterone.

Physical methods for the restoration and improvement of function of male sexual organs:

  • Massage. Contributes to the improvement of blood flow to the genitals, what for the structure of a erection problems dysfunction vascular in nature.
  • Movement therapy. This method involves a series of health exercises to improve circulation and increase muscle tone in the groin area.

If the potency is wearing, how serious is the Problem and has a significantly longer period of time, you need to see a doctor, the diagnosis of the reproductive organs for a more accurate determination of the causes of sexual dysfunction.