Potency in men

And if it's on the world, what is a once and for all destroy the confidence of man in himself and a full life to Rob, so is the problems with potency. Burden of representatives of all professions are subjected to — from the cleaning staff up to the heads of major corporations, and stars of Show Business, and the wealth here loses its value. Potency in men depends on many factors (mental health problems, other diseases, diet, life style) and the funds for the improvement of mankind searched on all extent of its history. However, the basis and level of modern medicine in most cases, knowledge, to successfully cope with the disease.

The reasons for problems with potency

Increase the potency in men

Under the potency of modern medicine is the ability of the man to have regular sexual activity, which is also the ability to keep an erection and to stop intimacy ejaculation (premature ejaculation is considered to be the pathology implied).

So far, pretty generally believed that the cause of the problems with potency is in the range of mental health problems: strong Stress, indifference or bad behavior of the partner, from emotional injuries that occurred in the past. Statistics show, however, that these factors are responsible for only 20 % of all cases, and in the other place, symptoms or complications of other diseases (e.g., Prostatitis, Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the circulatory System), adverse effects of drugs, a result of bad habits (Smoking, drinking, drugs, or alcohol) or lack of certain substances in the body through improper diet.

Often the Situation is getting worse false sense of embarrassment and shame. The existing Tradition in society require a man to endure all hardships and suffering. Those who grew up in a strict conservative conditions seems to be invalid "to run any occasion to the doctor," let alone to share their experiences with the psychologist and inform anyone (even experts) about erectile dysfunction. As a result, without timely treatment, the disease continues unchecked, and in the future to get rid of a lot more time and effort it requires.

It is important to remember that none will fail with a Problem, as long as their causes to be eliminated, so that an increase in the potency in men — a guaranteed consequence of the General improvement in the health status.

From the above, a fair conclusion: erectile dysfunction in fact can be a Symptom of other problems. Here you can remind yourself of more common misconception is that the potency in men after 50 years of no importance. In fact, the body to death, the ability to commit sexual intercourse. Due to age-related changes can reduce the frequency of intimacy decrease, but the corresponding physiological capabilities remain even in old age.

It may seem strange, but increased potency in men — another reason to worry. Something similar happens in the case of taking drugs, drugs for bodybuilders or a Symptom of other diseases (e.g., tuberculosis or chlamydia). Not unexpectedly, increased need for Sex. After some time (and probably very short) potency decline begins dramatically, until it is a complete impotence, and in this case, cope with it very difficult.

As for the improvement of potency in men?

The most obvious answer to this question is with the management of the underlying disease or to facilitate as far as possible. However, if the Problem is not to try, with the associated pathologies, in the following ways:

  • Maybe problems in the intimate sphere caused due to any traumatic Situation, or other mental health problems. In this case, you must to those skilled in the art, and the course of psychotherapy.
  • Improvement of potency in men happens to style when there is a change of life. Constant stress, overwork, bad habits and wrong diet are not allowed. Situations where it is impossible, your work conditions improve, give up Junk Food, alcohol, tobacco, and even more drugs, almost never. In General, the main limiting factor here is the lack of Motivation.
  • A major influence on the harmony in sexual relationships has mutual understanding. If any behavior of the woman interferes with intimacy, to discuss the Problem and try to come to an agreement.
  • Increases the potency and a change of scenery. Donn in the long years of relationship monotony is Sex in the Routine itself. What a cozy bedroom was would be out occasionally. Joint travel, lingerie, spontaneity, and is not the schedule to help in the coming years — it is, again, the fire of passion ignite.
  • An active lifestyle increases the Libido often. If the relationship with the women has lost its former brightness, you should try to play sports. In the case of physical activity, the blood flow to the pelvis and Serotonin improved, thereby improving the potency.
  • Finally, drugs to increase potency in men. Some of them are a Vitamin-Mineral complex, and a lack of relevant substances in the body, whereby the Problem can be in the long term. Other means of considerably the circulation strengthen in the pelvic area. Since the effect does not lasts very long, you will be just before the sexual intercourse.

Means to increase potency in men

as the improvement of the potency

Now on the market there are a large number of medicines and food supplements that improve the potency.

The first, as a rule, are a special pill. The potency in men in this case is increased due to the strong flow of blood to the organs in the pelvic area. A part of these drugs has a therapeutic effect allows you to permanently get rid of the Problem. Others act only for a short time (from several hours to several days) and can, therefore, only as a temporary measure.

On testosterone production, and secretion of the seminal fluid significantly certain substances influenced. In the case of a deficiency of appropriate vitamins and minerals, there may be problems with the potency. In this case, the help of special Vitamin-Mineral complexes and biologically active additives (BAA).

Apart from the lack of substances in the body, the BATHROOM is the strengthening of blood circulation in the pelvic area can. To find since, however, in nature difficult for a component, the short bars would be able to, but strong effect, the objectives of these funds in General, on the long-term therapeutic effect.

On the possibility of taking one or other of the means a variety of factors have an influence: the individual characteristics of the organism, intolerant to any substances, the specific causes of the problems with potency, other diseases. This is the reason why you are using the appropriate medications should be used only after prior investigation and consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies for the improvement of potency in men

The question "how to improve the potency in men," there was at all times in the case of the representatives of all the stands. As a result, several effective means of folk medicine, here are some of them:

  • The Infusion of thyme. In dried Form, this grass you can buy in the pharmacy. 100 G of dried plants pour a glass of boiling water. After the mixture is cooled you need to strain it and drink. The medium should be 2 times a day after meals. A similar effect and type of application in dry leaves of a nettle (you can buy in the pharmacy).
  • The other mixture is prepared as follows. 100 G of Ginseng pour 0.5 L of boiled water and insist within 2 days. Then put on fire and bring to a boil, and after 50 G of honey was added. After 30 minutes it is necessary to add 10 G of cinnamon and let the mixture simmer on low heat for 3 hours. Then the solution of insist 3 days. Means take 0.2 L of 2 times a day.
  • Very easy to prepare, but no less effective remedy — black tea with cloves, ginger, or saffron.

The effect of the means described does not come immediately, but probably after a few months of taking.

Products that the potency in men

To get rid of problems with potency, not necessarily pills or potions, which taste disgusting. Sometimes diversifying your daily diet ranges. A large number of products, including already contains substances that influence on the secretion of sperm and release of testosterone,:

  • Honey and other bee products;
  • some herbs with a spicy taste (e.g. thyme, mint, thyme, purslane, anise, parsley, coriander, spinach);
  • fresh vegetables (especially beets, garlic and onions);
  • Meat of bovine animals, fish and poultry, and other protein-rich foods;
  • Milk and milk products (sour cream, cheese, Quark, Kefir, yoghurt);
  • some of the more exotic dishes of the national cuisine (dog meat, with the blood of the turtles, and vegetable oil, a camel's stomach);
  • Seafood (Oysters, Mussels, Shrimp, Squid);
  • fresh dandelion leaves (only fit those broken during the flowering period);
  • Wine vinegar and the juice of ripe grapes;
  • Nuts (Peanuts, Walnuts, Hazelnut, Pistachio);
  • Figs, Citrus Fruits, Pomegranates;
  • fried or boiled eggs.