Prostatitis in women: what is skinitis and how does it manifest itself?

Prostatitis in women is not a joke, but a slang term for inflammation of the atrial glands. These glands are also called Skene's glands, and their inflammation - skinitis - manifests itself with the same symptoms as prostatitis in men. What are the characteristics and dangers of this disease?

Does prostatitis occur in women?

Abdominal pain with prostatitis in women

The insidious thing about pathology is that it is poorly recognized by doctors and is rare.

Prostatitis in women does happen, but the disease is called skinitis. The glands that become inflamed in this pathology are located a little below the urethra and are made of delicate tissue.

The Skene's glands are believed to be a rudimentary prostate that forms in the embryo before the genitals appear. Put simply, Skene's glands are a type of blank that develops into a full-fledged prostate in a male fetus and remains in its infancy in a female fetus.

It is interesting that these glands are able to produce a specific secretion whose composition is identical to that of the prostate in men. The PSA antigen, the most important tumor marker, is also found in this fluid.

Interesting!The jet orgasm that occurs in some women is the result of the activity of the Skene glands.

Skinitis is rare. The problem is that female prostatitis is difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed, so there are no accurate statistics on the prevalence of the disease.

Reasons for developing Skinite

Most women are not even aware of the presence of these glands near the urethra, but when they become inflamed, acute symptoms appear that are reminiscent of the signs of prostatitis in men.

Skinitis is most commonly caused by an infection of the glands. The main reasons for the development of the disease:

  • damage to the urethra;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • Infection of the glands due to the spread of the infection in other diseases of the genital organs.

Most often, skinitis is caused by opportunistic microorganisms that inhabit the female body. They can get into the glands during urination or from the vagina. Under normal conditions, such microorganisms do not cause an inflammatory process, however, with a violation of the Skene glands or urethra, female prostatitis occurs. This is due to a decrease in local immunity.

Skineitis can be allergic in nature. The use of poor quality intimate hygiene products can cause an allergic reaction and a decrease in local immunity, increasing the risk of infection of the glands.

Another reason for developing skinitis in women is trauma to the urethra from surgery or rough sexual intercourse. It is also possible to damage the opening of the urethra from urolithiasis if sand passes through the urethra.

"Prostatitis" in a woman is associated with an irregular sex life. Frequent changes of sexual partner and neglect of barrier contraception increase the risk of developing genitourinary infections.

One factor that increases the risk of developing this disease is a general decrease in immunity. Skineitis can be associated with recent serious infectious diseases, hypothermia, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Headache with prostatitis in women

With pathology, there is a constant feeling of weakness and "weakness" throughout the body.

After figuring out whether a woman has prostatitis, it is worth knowing how skin inflammation manifests itself. The disease is called "female prostatitis" mainly because of symptoms that resemble inflammation of the prostate in men. When disposing of it, the symptoms are as follows:

  • frequent urination;
  • urinate in small portions;
  • Pain and pain in the urethra when using the toilet;
  • Painful intercourse;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Cramps in the bladder area;
  • general malaise, loss of strength.

Skineitis is similar in many ways to cystitis in women. With this disease, the urge to urinate is constantly felt, but it cannot be fully satisfied. Urine is excreted in small portions, which is accompanied by severe discomfort. The feeling of a full bladder persists even when using the toilet.

You can distinguish skinitis from other diseases of the genitourinary system with similar symptoms by the presence of pain during intercourse.

There is no intense heat at Skinite, but the body temperature can rise to 37, 5-38 degrees.

Why is prostatitis dangerous in women?

Having understood the specifics of this disease, patients wonder whether such prostatitis is dangerous for women. This disease can lead to dangerous complications, so it requires timely diagnosis and treatment.

Among the likely complications of skinitis:

  • Abscess of the gland;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • secondary infertility;
  • Adhesions in the small pelvis;
  • deformation of the area where the inflamed glands are located;
  • Spread of the infection to other organs in the pelvis.

The disease is contagious and can be caused by pyogenic bacteria. In severe cases, the inflammation can develop into a glandular abscess, which has severe symptoms and requires surgical treatment. Breakthrough an abscess on its own is potentially dangerous in the development of sepsis (blood poisoning).

The infection can spread to all organs in the pelvis through the bloodstream. There is also a risk of pathogens spreading upwards with subsequent kidney infection. In addition, if the infection is widespread, a woman can infect a partner through unprotected sexual intercourse. In men, bacterial urethritis can develop into prostatitis.


Ultrasound diagnosis of prostatitis in women

Ultrasound diagnostics are done to make sure that there are no other diseases.

After finding out whether there is prostatitis in women and what signs and symptoms you can suspect skin inflammation, it is recommended not to self-medicate but to seek medical help immediately.

The main problem with skinitis is complex diagnostics. Due to the peculiarities of the location of the glands, their inflammation is accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the bladder or urethral mucosa, therefore the wrong diagnosis is often made and the wrong treatment regimen is prescribed.

The Skene's gland is in a hard-to-reach place, making it impossible to examine fully. In this context, the diagnosis is made by excluding other diseases with similar symptoms. Required exams:

  • Ultrasound of the bladder to rule out cystitis;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages to rule out inflammation;
  • Smear from the cervical canal;
  • Bacterial culture from the cervix;
  • general and biochemical urinalysis;
  • a swab from the urethra.

After excluding other diseases, treatment of skinitis is prescribed. Often the most revealing diagnostic method is urinalysis, which detects pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment features

A conservative treatment is practiced in skinning. Therapy includes taking drugs of the following groups:

  • Antibiotics to clear the infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs used in urology;
  • anticonvulsants for pain relief;
  • Immunomodulators.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually prescribed or antibacterial drugs are used to treat cystitis. Since it is often impossible to precisely determine the causative agent of the disease, the doctor can prescribe several drugs of this group at the same time. Third generation cephalosporins have proven their worth.

Acute symptoms go away a day after starting antibiotic treatment. However, it is important to take the medication in a course of treatment, the duration of which is determined by the doctor individually.

To get rid of pain, it is recommended to use antispasmodic agents. Simple analgesics are ineffective because pain is accompanied by cramps of the urethra and bladder.

In addition, herbal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which are used in the treatment of cystitis and kidney disease. These drugs reduce the inflammatory process, normalize the urination process and facilitate general well-being in various urinary tract diseases.

Immunomodulators are required. They use both drugs to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system and tonic, for example, Echinacea purpurea extract.


Now that you have figured out how to cure skin inflammation, there are important preventive measures to look out for. This disease is similar to cystitis - once you get sick, there is a possibility of relapse for many years. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • observe personal hygiene;
  • use barrier methods of contraception;
  • have a steady sexual partner;
  • strengthen immunity.

When the first alarming symptoms appear, you need to immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist and urologist. Self-medication for skinitis is dangerous in chronic inflammation.